O2’s Local Media Survey
O2 Creative has been conducting some local media research lately, including the creation of a local media survey. We’re trying to better understand our market; to better understand the different ways that different media can reach consumers in our area. This is all part of our efforts to better serve our clients as a professional marketing agency.
We’ve been contacting various media sources – anything from local newspapers and magazines to local TV and radio stations. With this information we hope to get an idea of how much distribution and exposure each type of media can create for our clients.
We will also be conducting a media survey among local residents and guests. With this survey we intend to better understand exactly what types of media are best for what types of businesses. Where do consumers go to get information about, say, a restaurant? Or a hotel room? Or an auto repair service?
The more responses we get, the more accurate our survey will be, so we obviously hope to get as many survey responses as possible. That’s why we’re offering an incentive: everyone who completes our survey will be entered into a drawing to win a $100 gift certificate to Tabernash Tavern! (Oh, and in case you aren’t familiar, Tabernash Tavern is totally delicious). It’s O2’s way of saying thank you to everyone who took the time to complete our survey. We appreciate your responses!
The survey will be about 17 or so questions long, and should only take a few minutes to complete. It’ll be an online survey that we’ll be sharing on social media and through emails…or if you’d prefer to fill out a survey on paper, feel free to stop by the O2 office and we’ll provide a print copy.
Please keep an eye out for the survey, which will launch some time next week (November 17-21), and please take a few minutes to give us your feedback. Thanks so much for helping us out. Oh, and we wish you good luck on your chances to win that gift certificate to Tabernash Tavern…nom nom nom!
We’ll update this post once we have a link to the live survey, so keep checking back here as well.
UPDATE: the survey is live! Please click here to take the survey.
Thanks again, everyone!
To contact O2 Creative, call 970-726-8021 or email [email protected]