O2 on the Longboard
The Fraser Valley is for boarders.
Obviously, in the winter, there are multitudes of snowboarders up here, sure. (Skiers, too!) But summertime boarding in the valley usually refers to another increasingly popular sport, and one of O2 Creative’s favorite pastimes: longboarding.
Longboards are similar to skateboards, but only slightly so. For one thing, longboards tend to be…well, longer. This longer design means they’re better suited for coasting long distances. Different wheel and truck designs also allow longboards to turn more easily. Besides that, there’s almost no end to all the shapes and sizes in which longboards are offered.

Longboarding is more akin to surfing than skateboarding. Longboarding was actually invented by surfers, and the sport has even been described as “surfing on concrete.” We think this is a reasonable description, although it may not entirely do the sport justice. The high-speed thrill of cruising effortlessly through the area’s forests, meadows, and parks – it’s just tough to put all that excitement into words.
Grand County is quite the venue for longboarding as well. The county boasts plenty of paved paths perfect for a good longboard cruise, the most popular of which being the Fraser River Trail. This trail meanders along the river at a gradual, steady downhill slope, which is perfect for maintaining speed on a longboard for miles at a time.

In fact, the Fraser River Trail’s change in elevation allows boarders to roll without stopping from the Winter Park Resort all the way down into Fraser…and right up to O2 Creative’s office!

When we’re not hard at work in the office, we’re often on our longboards speeding down one of the area’s many great trails. We’re forever grateful that Colorado’s Favorite Playground affords us so many longboarding opportunities, and also thankful that many of our clients dig the longboards, too.

So if you happen to cruise on by our office one day, feel free to stop and say what’s up to a few of the fellow longboarders in town.
Shout out to our friends at the Fraser Longboard Alliance. Check them out on Facebook for sweet videos, photos, and other cool longboarding info.
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