O2 Helps to Save the Fraser River
O2 is pleased to report we’re teaming up with the Colorado River Headwaters chapter of Trout Unlimited (TU) to create a campaign to raise awareness about the Fraser River. If you’ve ever seen those blue oval “Save The Fraser River” bumper stickers, then you already have an idea of what we’re talking about.

In case everyone didn’t already know, we at O2 take pride in serving our community. We love Colorado’s Favorite Playground, and we ESPECIALLY love the Fraser. We can often be found riding our bikes, cruising on our longboards, or walking our dogs along the Fraser River Trail.

We’re also often found on the river with wading boots and a fly rod, trying our luck at catching the river’s trophy trout (don’t worry, the fishing still sucks here).

Unfortunately, the Fraser is one of the most threatened rivers in the nation. Over 60% of its flows are diverted to Front Range communities for water use, and now Denver Water is trying to divert even more of the water. That’s where the efforts of TU come into play.
Basically, TU has worked hard for years to get a “Mitigation and Enhancement” agreement written into the water diversion project. This agreement articulates that if Denver Water wants to divert water from the Fraser, they must also pay close attention to the river’s vital signs as part of the project. If the diversions compromise the health of the Fraser, then Denver Water must also work to mitigate the harm done, and also enhance the natural environment of the river so that it remains healthy.
In other words, this agreement will take the fate of the Fraser out of the hands of politicians, and put it into the hands of scientists. These scientists can monitor the Fraser and adapt management policies that protect and preserve the natural river ecosystem for future generations, while still serving the water use needs of Colorado’s growing population.
The health of the Fraser is extremely important to us at O2. It’s important to Colorado’s Favorite Playground, and to Grand County; and to the entire state of Colorado. We hope it’s important to you too.
So what can we all do to help? Well, we encourage you to go like “Save The Fraser River” on Facebook (click here). This page will provide ongoing information, news, events, facts, photos, and just cool content in general about our beloved river.
We also encourage you to write letters advocating for the protection of the Fraser (and to do it quick – the public comment period only lasts thru the end of May!) This is the most tangible way to voice our support for the health of the Fraser to those who will decide whether to implement the agreement (and ultimately, to decide the fate of the Fraser). Check out http://www.coheadwaters.org/Home/WhattodoTODAY.aspx to learn more. Save the Fraser River!
To contact us at O2 Creative, contact us at 970-726-8021 or email [email protected].
Click here for our last blog: O2 in the Press!